
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

From Three to Four

This will be news to some of you out there in blogland.... Our family is growing once again!

Sydney will be a big sister as of April next year and we could not be any happier. We always knew that we wanted our kids to be roughly two years apart and it looks as though there should be about two years and a couple months between them. Syd is so excited to have a sibling. We have been practicing with her baby doll and she loves to say hi to the baby and give my tummy kisses. She almost gave us away a couple of times!

It has been a bit of a roller coaster ride thus far. It has not been the easiest pregnancy to this point. I have to keep reminding myself that it will all be worth it in the end. I will elaborate on that at a later date. For now, we are enjoying telling all of our friends and family the happy news and we are starting to prepare for another tiny human to take over our lives.

Mrs. E

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