
Thursday, October 11, 2012

K & K - A Beautiful Mountain Wedding

A few weeks ago now (wow time is flying) we attended the wedding of one of David's best friends Kevin and his gorgeous bride Kate.

The setting could not have been any more beautiful. We all headed up to Nipika eco resort just outside of Invermere in BC. This is a resort comprised of 7 guest cabins and the staff cabin. They also have stables and a barn onsite. The entire resort is completely solar powered and environmentally friendly. It was so incredible to see solar power harnessed into something so cool.

Onsite there is also a fire heated hot tub that you have to stir with a paddle and a fire heated sauna. The whole thing was amazing. When we arrived we found a chalk board with the names of the cabins and guests names on it. Based on our assigned cabin we went to find it and get set up. Our cabin was so cute. There was a full kitchen and bathroom, a pull out bed on the main floor, and a wood burning fireplace for heat (and boy would we need it). Upstairs there was an open loft with a single bed, one room with a queen bed and one room with two singles. David and I had been assigned to the room with two single beds in it. It was all super cozy.

The first night we were there we had a massive fire and the boys set off some fire works. We all had s'mores and enjoyed the company. Almost everyone who had been invited to the wedding was sitting around the fire. It was incredible.


The next day was the actual wedding. David served as best man and yes.... the maid of honor was Rosie MacLennan, Canadian Olympic gold medalist and the bride's sister. The ceremony was gorgeous and very personal to the two of them. Kevin and Kate got married in front of the main cabin at the top of the hill. The view was so impressive.


The reception was held in the barn which was beautifuly decorated. The food was amazing and more fireworks and dancing followed.


All in all it was an awesome weekend. It was great to get away and catch up on some much needed rest. The lack of cell reception and internet was actually a refreshing change as well. When everything was said and done we were really excited to come home to see Sydney. We missed her so much!

Mrs. E

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