
Thursday, November 15, 2012

17 Weeks

Just a quick warning.... all of my bump pictures are going to be horrible this time! We take them on my turn over day which is Tuesday.... and I never feel like doing my hair for work or wearing my nice clothes once I am home. Oh well!

At 17 weeks...
Weight gained: Don't know.... The scale has been packed away for bathroom renovations
Baby gender: Unknown, but I will find out in less than 2 weeks!
Belly button in or out: In still but I have to take my belly button ring out already!
Food cravings: Hot Tamale candies, Salt!, A&W onion rings, Melting Pot fondue!
Food aversions: Meat is disgusting.
Appointments: My next OB appointment is November 27 and my ultrasound is November 29!
How I am feeling: I am so incredibly sore this time around. I sat at my desk in pain all day yesterday with cramps and braxton hicks contractions. I didn't feel like this until almost 30 weeks with Sydney. My hips are also killing me. I am having a hard time sleeping because I get so achy! 
Exciting milestones: A few more kicks and bumps and flutters. 
Things I am looking forward to: I am really excited to find out what we are having!
Things that I miss: I miss a good nights sleep and he ability to carry Sydney around without any problems
Thoughts: I am nervous about all of the pain I have been having but I don't want to over react and call the doctor only to have her tell me that it is growing pains. 
Daddy's thoughts: NA
Sydney's thoughts: "Why can't mommy carry me?!"

Mrs. E

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