
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

18 Weeks

This week's photo is a little preview of our family Christmas card.

At 18 weeks...
Weight gained: Maybe 10 pounds
Baby gender: Unknown, but we find out next week.
Belly button in or out: In but very, very flat.
Food cravings: Pretzels, ice cream and anything spicy still
Food aversions: Fewer things are grossing me out these days. I am eating more meat and I am starting to get my appetite back.
Appointments: My next OB appointment is November 27 and my ultrasound is November 29!
How I am feeling: I am still very sore. I have started sleeping with an army of pillows surrounding me and my hips are killing me. I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions on and of for about a week now and the round ligament pain is intense. I have been getting incredibly sharp shooting pains in my stomach on a regular basis and I am starting to get tired of them. 
Exciting milestones: A flattening belly button 
Things I am looking forward to: I am really excited to find out what we are having!
Things that I miss: I am really missing sushi again and I would love a good glass of wine.
Thoughts: I am so unmotivated to work right now. All I want to do is go home and work on the house and cook. 
Daddy's thoughts: "Sometimes I wonder if you are really in there."
Sydney's thoughts: NA

Mrs. E

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