
Friday, November 30, 2012

An Ultrasound

Yesterday was so exciting for our little family.

We got to see Squishy in an Ultrasound! I found out the gender but David doesn't want to know again so it will be a big secret. Everything seems to look pretty good. Baby was wiggly and happy but was facing forward and would not let the ultrasound tech get a picture of the spine. This means that I will have to go back again next week to try to get a few photos extra photos taken. 

The tech spent about 40 minutes with me in the room taking measurements and pictures. When Sydney and David came in the room to see Squishy had moved into a pike position which you can see in the bottom photo. I don't know if Syd really understood what she was looking at but David did his best to explain it. For those of you pregnant ladies reading this blog, I also found out that the placenta is posterior, which is why I can feel so much movement this time around. So exciting!

All we can say for now is that we are thrilled! 

This next picture is my favorite because squishy is in the pike position! Folded in half with feet up by the head!

Mrs. E

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