
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

DIY ~ Yarn Wall Letters

I have been trying to tackle our new house one room at a time. 

We have been living in a construction zone since we moved into the new house and I am just now starting to get some more things on the walls. One of the rooms that I want to finish right away is Sydney's room. She is constantly playing in there and loves when we add new things to her wall to personalize it. So I decided to put together some letters to spell out her name. 

I didn't want to do anything too tacky or expected so I turned to good old Pinterest once again. I found these super cute yarn wrapped letters and thought they would be perfect with the vintage girly vibe in Syd's room. They took time to put together but they were completely worth every minute.

~ Wooden letters (Mine are white 10" block letters from Michaels)
~ Yarn in multiple coordinating colors
~ Hot Glue Gun
~ Scrap Fabric 

The Process:
There really is not much I can say about putting these letters together so I will give you a few tips instead:

~ Choose softer colors to avoid having the letters look cheesy or dated
~ Plan out how you are going to tackle each letter before you begin. It can be tricky to get good coverage without having everything looking messy.
~ Don't skimp on the hot glue in difficult or angled areas. If you do not secure the yarn with enough glue, you will run the risk of having the yarn shift on you.
~ Play with the flowers to get the shape you want. I tore strips of fabric that were about two inches thick and I wasn't afraid to let the raw edges show. The flowers are also great to hide spots that you may have had trouble with.
~ To hang letters on the wall just use small hanging nails. They will catch the yarn so you can adjust the letters to ensure that they are level with each other.

I still have to hang Sydney's letters in her room. Hopefully I will have time to tackle it tonight!

Mrs. E

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