
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Little Girl, Big Bed

Well, we have officially transitioned Sydney into her new big girl bed. 

After spending over two and half hours at Ikea we managed to pick out a bed and dresser for her that I felt would go with her room now but she could grow into it. I let her pick out her own bedding and my brother and Dad carried the boxes into the house for me. 

David set up her bed on Monday and when I came home from work I made the bed and got it all ready for her first big night. Originally I had planned to have David leave her crib set up until he was off shift but he had already taken it down and moved it into the spare bedroom (which will become the new nursery). 

So on Monday night, with David on night shift, I put her in her brand new bed. We read a book and talked about how nice her new bed was. I tucked her in for the first time and she snuggled up to her blankie and lambie. 

The first time she woke up crying was 10:30pm. She woke up two more times during the middle of the night and once more at 4am. It took me almost 20 minutes to put her back to bed each time. I would tuck her in and she would say "Mommy! Bed! Bed!", asking me to lay beside her. Needless to say, it was an extremely long night. 

It was really hard for me to be pregnant and home alone dealing with a kid in a new bed. I still had to get up for work at 6:30am and I was half asleep at my desk for the rest of the day. Luckily, she has been sleeping through the night ever since. I am so proud o her and David and I both agree that she looks so tiny in her new big bed. She is growing up so fast. We knew this would all happen eventually but having another baby has expedited the process.

Here is our little one in her new big bed. 

Mrs. E


  1. Love it. She's adorable.

  2. This is so adorable!!!! Can't believe how big she is getting!

    1. We are shocked at how fast she is growing up! You should hear the phone conversations I have with her while I am at work.... so funny!
