
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

21 & 22 Weeks

It has been a wild week so we are going to update two weeks in one. I have a photo from 21 weeks...

And an update from 22 weeks...

Weight gained: 12 pounds
Baby gender: Still a big secret.
Belly button in or out: The top is poking out now!
Food cravings: Sour candy!
Food aversions: Nothing really.... I am pretty much back to where I was with my diet pre-pregnancy.
Appointments: My next appointment is a regular check up on December 28th.
How I am feeling: I am absolutely beyond exhausted. We have had an incredibly busy couple of weeks that have totally taken their toll.

Exciting milestones: David is starting to feel little baby kicks!
Things I am looking forward to: Too many things to list.
Things that I miss: I miss a good nights sleep and not being achy. 
Thoughts: I am really looking forward to not having to work anymore. It's not that I hate working, I would just prefer to be at home with my family. 
Daddy's thoughts: "Kick harder!"
Sydney's thoughts: "I can't wait to meet the baby!"

Mrs. E

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