
Monday, December 10, 2012

Annual Eliuk Friends Christmas Party

This weekend was completely insane!

We had three Christmas parties this weekend! On Friday night we attended the Christmas fundraiser for my mother in law's school. She works at a special needs school and they host a dinner and silent auction every year. It was a lot of fun and They raised a lot of money for the school. 

On Saturday, we woke up and hit the ground running. We had to clean the whole house and cook enough food for a small army. It was the day of our annual friends Christmas party. We have been hosting dinner every year for the past 5 years for all of David's best friends and their significant others. I cook a full Turkey dinner for everyone and we do a small git exchange. It is so much fun and we look forward to it every year. 

This year, the menu included:
~ Turkey
~ Mashed Potatoes
~ Stuffing
~ Gravy
~ Sweet Potatoes with Marshmallows
~ Steamed Veggies
~ Corn
~ Apple Salad
~ Lime Pear Salad
~ Home Baked Buns

it was a feast! The turkey was a fresh local Turkey from a farm out in Spruce Grove. David and Sydney went to pick it up on Friday so it was all ready to go for Saturday. It was the most amazing turkey I have ever made. The meat fell off of the bone and it was so moist. I highly recommend buying fresh turkey if you have the chance. 

Sydney had a great time and joined in with everyone in wearing her paper crown from the Christmas crackers. Turkey dinner is one of her favorite meals!

After dinner I set up the dessert table for everyone. I really wanted to have everything on different stands at different heights but I completely ran out of time. I still think that it turned out pretty well considering. 

Cherry Ice Box Cookies

Chocolate, Caramel, Pecan Pretzels

Meringue Cookies

Peppermint Fudge

Chocolate Dipped Marshmallows (Peppermint, Chocolate Chip & Sprinkles)

Shortbread Bites

White Chocolate Dipped Oreo Snowmen

French Vanilla Cupcakes

Rice Krispie Squares

Sydney had been waiting impatiently for a chocolate dipped marshmallow all week. She was so happy when she finally got one. 

During dessert we did our gift exchange. Sydney got in on all of the action too. We bought her a few small items to open up and she was lucky enough to get a couple of other gifts as well (Thanks Scott, Chelsey, Lara and Mathieu!)

It was such a great night with great friends! I can't wait to do it all again next year!

Mrs. E

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