
Friday, December 28, 2012

Chocolate Treats in Lethbridge

Prepare for an onslaught of Christmas related posts today. 

Work is quiet and I finally had time to upload photos to the blog last night, so all of our Christmas updates are happening today! Our first big holiday celebration happened in Lethbridge this year. I had to drive down to Calgary for a work Christmas function on Thursday the 13th so we decided that it would be a great time to take a day off and go down to visit my dad. We woke up early and headed out of town. I attended meetings and a lunch and our Christmas function. David and Sydney spent the afternoon visiting friends. By the time we returned to the hotel, Sydney was running a very high fever and we were trying to decide whether or not to take her in to be seen by a doctor. The decision was finally made and we were off to the Children's hospital. Nothing like a sick kid when you are staying in a hotel with no resources....

Under normal circumstances we would have just toughed it out at home and tried to give her some Advil and fluids but we had NOTHING. At the hospital we had them take her temperature and give us some Advil. By the time we got back to the hotel we were all exhausted. We were up and down almost all night and then we hit the road to Lethbridge early the next day. 

Syd was sick pretty much the entire weekend. Her fever came and went and David and I only slept in 2 hours stretches. Needless to say... it was exhausting. We spent our time in Lethbridge visiting with my dad and Grandma and hanging out in our pyjamas at the house. On Sunday, when she started to come around a little, Sydney's Papa gave her an early Christmas treat. Lots of chocolate to make a sick kid happy.

Mrs. E

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