
Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

In our house we love Christmas Eve traditions. 

When we chose to have kids, we decided that one of the most important things that we needed to establish was family traditions  There is something about having something to look forward to every year... a certain constant and comfort in knowing what to expect. 

One of the traditions we are working on establishing is our Christmas Eve tradition. The location of our Christmas changes every year (we are on a Lethbridge, Phoenix, Edmonton rotation so that we can be with all of the grandparents) so we knew that we wanted to create a constant. 

We start with going to a Christmas Eve casual dinner, followed by a church service. When we get home, we make cookies for Santa and get into our pyjamas. We then write Santa a note (or in Syd's case she draws him a picture) and set up the cookies, carrots, milk and a note. We then hang our stockings for Santa to fill and sit down to have a cookie and listen to David read the "Night Before Christmas".

This year, Sydney was old enough to help make the cookies and sit through the story. It was so awesome. 

Helping daddy unwrap the cookie dough

Making cookies of all shapes and sizes

Drawing a picture for Santa

Hanging the stockings on the fireplace

Sydney was so proud that she had helped hang the stockings

Everything ready to go for Santa and his Reindeer

Reading Night Before Christmas

Mrs. E

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