
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

26 Weeks

Ok. So I haven't done a pregnancy update in quite a while. We have been super busy with Christmas celebrations and David's birthday and it just got put on the back burner. My photo from week 26 features one of my good friends Laura. She is expecting her second little girl on Valentine's Day. Her older daughter Ava is only about 2 months younger than Sydney so this is our second pregnancy together... So much fun!

At 26 weeks...

Weight gained: Close to 20 lbs
Baby gender: Still a big secret.
Belly button in or out: Half flat, Half sticking out.
Food cravings: Spicy food and anything that is likely to give me heart burn
Food aversions: Not too much. Meat is not my favourite thing but it never really was.
Appointments: I have my Gestational Diabetes test on Monday and a regular OB appointment on January 29th. I think my appointments will be every 2 weeks after that!
How I am feeling: I was starting to feel great. I had a lot more energy and I was able to keep up a little bit more with Sydney. Now I am starting to near that third trimester where energy slumps again. I am getting tired. My hips are also killing me!

Exciting milestones: David is feeling the baby on a regular basis. We can now see movement on the outside! Sydney also felt the baby move for the first time this past weekend.... it was amazing.
Things I am looking forward to: I am sooooooo excited to be done work!
Things that I miss: I miss a good nights sleep and not being achy. 
Thoughts: I am starting to feel a little bit anxious. I am nervous about labour and delivery and I want nothing more than to stay home and prepare for what is about to happen. I don't really feel prepared at all this time and I feel like everything is happening so much faster! 
Daddy's thoughts: "I don't care what you say... no more painting for at least five years."
Sydney's thoughts: "Thanks for kicking my hand baby!"

Mrs. E

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