
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

27 Weeks ~ Third Trimester!

At 27 weeks...

Weight gained: Probably over 20 lbs
Baby gender: I will give you a hint..... you have a 50/50 chance of guessing right. 
Belly button in or out: Half flat, Half sticking out.
Food cravings: Spicy food, mexican food, salty food
Food aversions: Nothing really. I am getting really pick though.
Appointments: I had my gestational diabetes test on Monday and it was just as disgusting as I remembered. It made me super nauseated and I sugar crashed like you wouldn't believe after. My next OB appointment is on January 29th.
How I am feeling: I am so so so tired. I am really not sleeping at all and I am starting to have a harder time at work during the day.

Exciting milestones: We are officially in the third trimester! That means that we are two thirds of the way done!
Things I am looking forward to: I am counting down the days until I start my maternity leave.
Things that I miss: I miss a good nights sleep and not being achy. 
Thoughts: I feel pretty good about having a second child this week. I am tired and nervous about being outnumbered when David works night shift, but I am just so excited to meet this little person. I can't wait to create a bond with another baby and for Sydney to fall in love with her sibling.
Daddy's thoughts: 
Sydney's thoughts: "Almost done!"

Mrs. E


  1. We need a better hint than that! Haha but I'm so excited for you guys! You look gorgeous Steph!

    1. Thank you so much! We are just counting down the days now. I am exhausted.
