
Tuesday, February 12, 2013


On Saturday our baby turned 2. 

It still scares me to say that. I honestly have no idea where the past 2 years have gone. Our tiny newborn has turned into quite the little lady and I am so proud of her. She is learning to form her own opinions and assert her independence (although not always the way I would like her to). She is smart and funny and likes to make people laugh. She has become a sensitive soul who is always concerned with others feelings. She always wants those around her to be happy not sad and will give you as many kisses and hugs as it takes to ensure that you are actually happy. 

Sydney and David have formed a special bond over the past 2 years. They are partners in crime and love to spend time together doing anything outdoors. She is always happy to greet him when he walks in the door and loves to wrestle with him on the floor of the family room. Sydney's favorite things are puzzles and books and she loves to watch Little Einsteins and Sesame Street. She is learning new phrases like "I think so", "Almost there" and "Sydney do it". 

I have always known that my time with her is precious and special but I am starting to appreciate it more and more knowing that I will soon have to divide my time between two kids. Lately, I find myself sneaking into her room at night to lay with her in her bed and trying to steal an extra cuddle or two. I want to remember the smaller, quiet moments with her and build memories for the two of us. I am cherishing every little thing with her because I know it will go by all too fast. 

Our baby is 2... 

Mrs. E

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