
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

29 Weeks

At 29 weeks...

Weight gained: After my last appointment I am now loser to 30 lbs gained.... yikes! Looks like I will be about the same size as I was with Sydney. Big Baby?
Baby gender: Still a giant secret. 
Belly button in or out: Out and sore. It honestly feels like I have a hernia.
Food cravings: Spicy and salty
Food aversions: Nothing really
Appointments: I had a regularly scheduled OB appointment last Tuesday and everything is great. We discussed the possibility of inducing earlier based on the size of this not so little one and listened to the baby's heartbeat at a steady 140bpm or so. I am down to bi-weekly appointments so I will see the OB again next Tuesday and I also have a 32 week ultrasound scheduled on February 26th.
How I am feeling: I am super uncomfortable. This little person is taking up all of the spare room in my body and it is starting to get hard to sit at my desk all day. I am officially counting down the days. 
Exciting milestones: Bi-weekly appointments make everything seem so much closer. Before we know it I will be visiting the doctor every week to check for progress... that is a crazy thought. 
Things I am looking forward to: Holding my baby and having David find out the gender
Things that i miss: Sushi and Wine! I am missing it so much!
Thoughts: I am really, really excited now. I am thinking about my Mat Leave and how amazing and hoard it will be to be at home with my two little one's. I have really been trying to appreciate and enjoy the rest of this pregnancy in case it is my last. I don't love being pregnant but I do really love the thought that I am creating and protecting another tiny family member. I also really love the way David looks at me right now. I know how thankful he is that I am willing to do this for our family. 
Daddy's thoughts:
Sydney's thoughts: Sydney has been telling us that she wants a sister.... we will see if she gets her wish. 

Mrs. E

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