
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Day at the Museum

We don't spend a lot of time together as a family.

With David's shift schedule and my regular work day we cross paths a lot during the week and trade off baby duty. Thankfully, all of that will change once I am on Mat Leave.... we are just counting down the days now. Well, last Monday Canada celebrated family day and Sydney, David and I were bound a determined to make the best of the fact that we were both off. We knew that we wanted to take her to the museum and that it would be insane because it was free for family day, but we decided to do it anyway. 

It was a complete zoo. I have honestly never seen so many people in the museum at one time. I actually felt a little but claustrophobic  I think part of it is how pregnant I am and the other part was the multiple child mayhem. At first everything was great, then Syd started feeding off of the pandemonium.  She ended up having the biggest public melt-down ever (she had never done that before) and even David was having a tough time handling her. It was a full blown, back arching, crying, yelling no melt down..... awesome. Needless to say, we will be going to the museum on a busy day like that again. Lesson learned, our child feeds off the chaos of others. Check out how happy she was in the family photo below.  

Mrs. E

1 comment:

  1. Haha that last photo is just priceless good job that you kept on smiling !
