
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sydney's First Haircut

Well, we finally did it. We cut Sydney's hair. 

Our little gal has inherited some curly, curly locks. It has been growing into a pretty awesome mullet for a while but you really couldn't tell because it all curled up anyway. We decided that she should have her hair cut nice before her 2nd Birthday so the decision was made. 

We booked her in to get her hair cut a Beaners. It is a kid specific salon where all of the chairs are toy cars and they have cartoons playing in front of all of the chairs to occupy the kids. She did so well! She let the hair dresser spray, comb and cut her hair. In the end I think the longest piece we cut off was almost 5 inches. She chose to sit in the red race car and got a sucker afterward. We were given a first haircut certificate and a lock of her little curls in a tiny envelope. Proud parent moment!

Mrs. E

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