
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A View Into a Toddler's World

I am constantly trying to see the world through Sydney's eyes. 

Two year olds are hilarious. They have mountains of personality and everything is new and exciting to them. Life is simple and perfect and there is a learning opportunity around every corner. This is why I was so excited when Syd received a camera as one of her birthday gifts. My brother and his awesome girlfriend picked up this cute pink piece of technology and it has been glued to Sydney's eyes ever since. Looking through her pictures is like catching a glimpse into her world.... plus it's super cure to watch her walk around yelling "cheese!"

Here are a few photos of her working her photography magic and some of her photographic art work. What do you think?

Auntie Jeannie

Self Portrait

Her Favourite Pink Cup

The Turtle Toss Game

Portrait of Mommy

Another Portrait of Mommy

Portrait of Daddy


Mommy Taking a Picture of Sydney Taking a Picture

Another Daddy Portrait

Melissa and Doug Truck Puzzle

Polar Bear Jammies

Wild Self Portrait
Mrs. E

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