
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Dad and His Boy

I am in love with my boys.

There is something super sweet about watching David interact with his little boy. He is so proud of his little man and has fallen completely in love. Having a newborn and a toddler had been difficult so far. Unfortunately David ends up spending most of his time with Sydney while I am with Henry dealing with feeding and other new baby needs. I miss my time with Sydney and he is missing out on time with Henry. It is  a balance that we are working on and I have been encouraging David to switch whenever we can. 

When they do get quiet time together, it is super sweet. They bond and David talks to Henry about all things boy. They talk about sports, life, understanding women and everything in between. I could not be happier that my son has such an incredible role model to look up to. I can't wait to see them playing together in the years to come. 

Mrs. E

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