
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Egg Decorating

I feel like I am finally starting to catch up on things around the house which is leaving me with a few extra minutes to catch up on my blogging. 

We had a super busy Easter weekend that was so much fun! Sydney is old enough now to really understand and appreciate holidays. We knew that we wanted to get her involved in some fun Easter activities so we hard boiled some eggs and prepared for the mess that would come of dying Easter eggs. 

She enjoyed every minute of it and dipped the eggs into the dye all on her own! It interesting to see how fearless she was and how creative she was being. At one point David encouraged her to stick her fingers in the colours to see how it would change her skin colour. She thought it was hysterical..... I did not. When all was said and done and she had had a bath, she decided that the best way to finish Easter egg decorating was to peel and eat one!

Mrs. E

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