
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sibling Love

It has been a crazy few days in our house. 

All four of us are in a major adjustment phase of family dynamic. Henry has been an incredible addition to our family but we are still really trying to sort everything out. Sydney is having a few difficulties adjusting herself. She is only two and has a tough time understanding the entire situation. She has been acting out a bit and directly defying David and I. She acted as if she was upset with me the first day we were home and in my hormonal state it really bothered me. On the plus side, she loves her brother. She is very willing to help us  with him and gives him a million kisses and hugs. Syd loves to hold Henry and will often walk up to him randomly and say "Awwwww! He's so cuuuuuute Mummy!" It absolutely melts my heart. Here are a few photos of their bonding so far...

Mrs. E

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