
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Healthy Summer Meal

We are really enjoying every minute of family time. 

Since Henry arrived, we have had the most amazing time learning about life as a family of four. We have had incredible weather that has allowed us to spend countless hours together outside and we have been able to create some really incredible memories over the last three weeks. 

One of our favourite things to do when it is nice out and we have time is to cook delicious, healthy meals. The BBQ is out and we have been loving all of the fresh produce available in the stores. Grilled chicken, veggies, spaghetti squash and fresh salads have become staples in our diet and I love it! Hopefully all of this healthy eating will help me get down to my pre-pregnancy weight fast!

Henry was sad that he didn't get to eat any of the delicious food.... sorry Henry!

Mrs. E

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