
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Healthy Pita Chips

We always eat healthy in our house, but lately I have really been paying attention to our diets.

I am on a mission to lose the baby weight as soon as possible. I am not in a position to start working out right now (I need to wait until my 6 week check up) so I am trying to adapt my diet as much as possible and get out for a walk once a day. Hopefully it gives me a jump start on getting back to my pre-pregnancy clothes. 

One of my downfalls is that I really love to snack. I am pretty good at sticking to healthier items but occasionally I do want something crunchy. To help curb the craving I make healthy homemade pita chips. They are delicious! We usually eat them with our homemade salsa or some fresh hummus... yum!

The Necessities:
~ Pita bread
~ Cooking Spray
~ Seasoning of your choice (I use a little bit of seasoning salt)

The Process:
~ Pre-heat oven to 375
~ Line cookie sheets with tin foil
~ Cut pita bread into 2x2 inch pieces

~ Separate the two layers of pita and place rough side up on the cookie sheet
~ Ensure that there are no chips overlapping

~ Spray lightly with cooking spray and sprinkle lightly with seasoning

~ Place in oven and let bake until they are crunchy. This happens quickly (under 5 minutes). Do not walk away from the oven at all. You will need to watch the chips and check them often because they will burn quickly. The chips do not have to be brown to be finished. They should feel crispy to the touch. 

~ Serve with healthy dip of your choice....


Mrs. E

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