
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Father's Day ~ Telus World of Science

I usually try to plan something really special for Father's Day.

This year I failed a little bit in that department. With a new baby, lots of travelling and a Triathlon to plan, finding David a gift or planning something special was completely forgotten. I felt really bad about it but I knew he would understand. To say that I was overwhelmed would be an understatement. 

When we woke up on Father's Day I hopped on the computer to see what was available for family activities in the city. We had a few options but the Telus World of science looked like the most appropriate for our little family. We packed up the kids and made our way down there for a day of educational fun. 

We spent a few hours wandering through the exhibits. Sydney learned all about the human body and space and then we made our way to the kids fun area. She played in the mini airport and plane, dove into the activities at the water table and danced on the giant piano. We capped the morning off with some space ice cream in the sun. Henry spent the entire time in his favourite place, the Ergo carrier, and we created some pretty special memories. 

Happy father's Day David!

Mrs. E

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