
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Henry ~ One Month

I am about a week late on this one....

Our little stinker is ONE MONTH!

Henry has added so much to our lives so far and I am so in love with him! He has become one of the most important men in my life and I can't tell you how much I enjoy every moment I have with him. Our little man is a little bit more high maintenance than his sister was. He doesn't like to sleep through the night and is a serious eater. He has a very sweet personality and is definitely a momma's boy. 

Henry is very strong and is able to hold up his head with ease. He has a massive catalogue of hysterical facial expressions and is starting to give us the odd smile or two. He's a gassy boy and likes to spit up on every clean shirt I put on. At his one month weigh in he had gained a substantial amount and had hit the 9lb 2.5oz mark. 

Sydney is in love with her brother and will often sing to him when he is sad. She calls him Buddy and tells him that he is"sooooooo cuuuuuuute!" She always says good morning and good night to him and kisses him often.   This past month has been busier and better than we ever could have anticipated. We are loving out little family of four!

Mrs. E

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