
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Summer Storms

There are two things you can count on during Alberta summers.... unpredictability and insane storms. 

Most Alberta summer days are characterized by lots of daytime heat followed by late afternoon storms that roll into the night. Lots of hail and rain, lighting and thunder. 

A couple of weeks ago, we had one of the worst storms I have ever seen in Edmonton. The entire middle section of the province was under a Tornado warning and a water spout had been spotted on Pigeon Lake. I was checking Twitter and the warning system non-stop, waiting for news or a warning to take shelter. All of a sudden there were warnings everywhere. Most of the city was told to head for the basement and I ran around the house planning on having to take shelter with both of my babies alone. When I looked outside this is what I saw:

The clouds were really rotating and were so low that I felt like I could touch them. I have never been so scared. Luckily we just had torrential rain, hail and wind. Welcome to Alberta!

Mrs. E

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