
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Colour Me Rad

I am so excited about these pictures. 

We did the colour me rad run last weekend! It is not a particularly challenging run, but it is one that I wanted to do as soon as I saw it advertised. It is a 5k run where you are pelted with coloured cornstarch along the course. The race package includes sunglasses to protect your eyes and we made sure to wear our whitest shirts. We put the rain cover on the chariot and hoped that the kids would stay relatively clean. 

We had such an incredible time! This was the first 5k I had done since having Henry and we took our time. We stopped for photos, danced through the colour stations and enjoyed the beautiful weather. We were certain that the kids had gotten through the entire thing without getting dirty.... until I saw Sydney's pink hand poking out of the chariot. 

She had gotten a hold of the pink zinc that David had used that morning. She was completely pink! Luckily Henry had avoided most of the pink craziness. One of our friends Stacy ran the race as well. We all laughed at how messy we had gotten as we walked back to our cars. an entire container or wipes and some towels later and we were finally able to get into the car. 

I was purple and orange for a few days after!

Mrs. E

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