
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Henry ~ 3 Months

It's all happening too fast!

Henry is three months old today. I woke up this morning with a small feeling of panic. My baby is already a quarter of a year old and I am trying to deny that it is happening as fast as it is. Henry is really developing quite the personality. He is constantly cooing and talking and flashing his chubby cheeked us. He is the sweetest little boy that I have ever met and I feel so lucky to have him in my life. 

Little man is weighing in at an impressive 13lbs 5oz! He is super stable and still nurses like a total champ. In the last couple of days he has learned to sleep in his crib for naps and now goes down awake and puts himself to sleep! It is one of the biggest breakthroughs we have had in the last little while. Life is busy but incredibly fun and I am loving every minute of it. 

Mrs. E

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