
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Nature Walks and Other Fun Things

I know I have been falling behind on blogging lately.... we have just been doing way too many fun things and my spare time has basically been non-existent. 

Last week the city was in the middle of a heat wave. David was off shift so we decided to take advantage of the hot weather and spend some time outdoors. Our first stop was the John Janzen Nature Centre. 

Sydney has never really been to any of our major city attractions and we thought she may enjoy learning about our eco-system at the nature centre. We spent some time walking around outside the building on their paths before it opened. It was a nice opportunity for us to check out the tadpoles in the water and head on a short nature walk. Sydney loved every minute of it and Henry enjoyed the sleep in his carrier.

Once we made our way inside the building we were treated to a lesson on garder snakes. Sydney was the only little one in the room so she got one on one attention and spent some quality time with the slithery guy. She was even brave enough to touch him. According to her he was "slimy". 

After learning all about snakes and dressing up as a lady bug, we went to check out the bee hive. the nature centre has a pipe that leads to the outdoors where the bees are free to come and go. This is one of the things that David and I were looking forward to the most. Both of us remember going to the nature centre as kids and loving the bees. It was cool to see Syd enjoying something that we had enjoyed so many years before. 

After the bees we let her loose in the play area. It is a massive play room that is built to look like the outdoors including a squirrel enclosure, buildable flowers, a massive bee hive, a stream that you can build a dam in and a winter hibernation cave. She loved it!

One of the best things about this day.... it was only $6! Perfect!

Mrs. E

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