
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Adventures in Paint

When Ava comes over for a play date things tend to get a little bit out of hand... in a good way!

Ava's mum and I wanted to go fabric shopping with the babies so we decided to leave the girls with their dads. Apparently, as soon as we left the mayhem began! The girls got down to their skivvies and enjoyed the sun and a little bit of finger paint. They managed to cover the entire driveway and part of our garage door and once they were done with that, they moved into the backyard to play on the play structure. Needless to say, by the time they were done they were a mess! It was into the bath for some bubble fun and a little bit of cleaning. 

It took Dave almost an hour of pressure washing to clean all of the paint off of the driveway.... totally worth all of the fun!

Mrs. E

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