
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A Day at the Zoo

We have so much fun every time we are at a zoo.

This time was even better because we were able to go with my aunt and her three kids. Some of you may not know, but my aunt is actually not much older than me. Her youngest is only 10 months older than Sydney so the kids all get along really well. Unfortunately they live here in Scottsdale so we don't get to see them very often. We got everyone organized and headed to the Wildlife zoo here in Phoenix. 

The zoo was super cool. It was pretty big and the kids had a great time exploring. One of the things I loved was that it was very interactive. We were able to watch a show, feed birds, get within feet of kangaroos, play in the touch the touch pools and.... my favorite.... we got to feed giraffes! We climbed a platform to be at giraffe height and had an awesome time laughing as they stuck out their long, slimy tongues to get the food. 

We took a ride on the little chairlift that they had running through the park. The kids all thought it was pretty cool to see the animals from above. Sydney could not have been more excited to watch everything from up high and giggled the entire time. 

We wrapped everything up in the aquarium where we saw all sorts of marine life. It was a long day but it was completely worth it. As we were leaving we were treated to a bit of an air show. The zoo was pretty close to an air base and there were planes taking off right above our heads! So incredibly loud. 

Mrs. E

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