
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Technology Challenges

Hello All! 

It has been an interesting few days in terms of the blog. I took a risk and started working on the back end of the blog using HTML for the first time. Right in the middle of all of my updating and fighting with the coding my laptop blewup! The hard drive and operating system crashed at the same time. Nothing like having to figure things out on the fly! After a few trips to Best Buy here in Phoenix and a little bit of help from my step dad.... we are up and running again! I still have a lot of learning to do and a lot of glitches to work out on the blog, but it is all starting to come together. My goal is to create a more professional looking blog that I can be proud of. For now, please excuse the odd looking photos and boring header. 

Wish me luck!

Mrs. E

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