
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Foodie Love ~ Wonton Soup

For some reason it just feels like it's soup season.

I am seriously into soups. I don't eat red meat or pork (except for bacon... don't ask) so soups lend themselves well to my diet. They are easy to make either vegetarian or red meat free. Lately I have been craving wonton soup. The problem is that they are usually filled with meat that I won't eat. So I decided that the best way to fill the craving would be to make it myself. After a little bit of Pinterest research and a few notes, I was ready to fly by the seat of my pants and put together my own recipe. 

I will be honest.... I have not had a real bowl of wonton soup in about 15 years. As a result, I can't remember what the flavor should be like. David swears that it is pretty bang on and I trust him because he had had it days before. If you have a meat aversion like me.... give this recipe a try! Feel free to substitute the veggie round ground for some ground pork or beef. Let me know what you think!

The Necessities:
~ 12 Cups of Vegetable Broth

~ 4 Cloves of Garlic Chopped
~ 1 Tbs Fresh Grated Ginger
~ 1 Bunch of Green Onions Chopped
~ 1 Package of Wonton Wrappers
~ 1 Package of Firm Tofu (Cut into small cubes)
~ 1 Package of Veggie Round Ground
~ 4 Cups of Bok Choy
~ 1 Cup of Carrots
~ 1 Package of Uncooked Shrimp (About 20 Large)
~ Salt and Pepper to Taste

The Process:
~ Add vegetable broth, chopped garlic, grated ginger, and chopped green onions to large pot

~ Bring to boil and lower to simmer

~ Chop the Bok Choy into bite sized pieces and add to the pot

~ Cut your carrots into thin matchsticks (I used baby carrots because that's what we had in the house)
~ Add to pot

~ Cut your tofu into very small cubes (mine were about 1cm cubed)
~ Add to pot
~ At this point you will also add your uncooked shrimp to the pot. They will boil and cook fully in the broth

~ Organize your wonton wrappers and a small container of water on a cutting board

~ If you are using veggie round ground, break it up and place in a bowl
~ If you are using beef, pork or turkey, brown the meat and place in a bowl

~ Lay four wonton wrappers on your cutting board (you can do more at one time but I found this worked best for me)
~ Place approximately 1 tsp of meat in the center of each wrapper
~ Wet your finger using your container of water and run it along two edges of the wonton wrapper 

~ Fold in half to create a triangle and press firmly to seal
~ Place more water on the two lower corners

~ Fold up to meet the top point and press firmly

~ Place on a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper

*You will be left with a lot of extra wontons. These can easily be frozen in a freezer bag and stored for other meals or another batch of wonton soup.

~ Once the soup has been simmering for about an hour, add the wontons and let simmer for an additional 5 minutes
~ Serve and enjoy!

Mrs. E

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