
Friday, November 15, 2013

Henry's Day at the Hospital

Disclaimer: I wrote this while exhausted last night so it may not all make sense.... and all of the pictures are from my cell phone. 

Today was exhausting and very emotional. 

Our little man went in for his hernia repair surgery. David and I really had to lean on each other for support. Although this type of surgery is super common it was still hard to see Henry go through so much. We arrived early and checked in. After a short wait we were taken back where Henry was changed and prepped for surgery. Another short wait and we were ushered into the OR waiting room. We were seen by the anesthetist and then we waited again. He was so patient and cuddled in David's arms the entire time. 

When the OR nurse came in to get him, it was really hard not to get emotional. He gave me an extra long snuggle and then I passed him over. When they rounded the corner I could hear him getting upset. It was everything I could do to not lose it right there. David was so great with me and helped keep me in check. We had been given a pager so we went to have some lunch and wait for the surgery to be done. 

After an hour or so of waiting we were called back to the room. Henry was really upset and they were just finishing his vitals. They carefully picked him up (he had so many tubes and wires attached to him) and I fed him. He slept in my arms forever before moving to David's. It was so hard seeing him like that but we knew it was for the better. 

Once we were cleared to leave we put Henry in his pajamas (which he hated) and we were on our way. He has been super exhausted and is still hurting quite a bit, but he's home and safe. I am looking forward to having the old Henry back and starting some sleep training. I am happy this is all behind us. 

Tiny heart rate cuffs.

Flashing some bum.

Waiting to go in.

First post surgery meal.

Lots of cuddles.

Tiny IV

Mrs. E

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