
Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas #1 ~ The Campbell Side

We have been mega swamped with some pretty serious changes in our house.

Over the holidays we made a few decisions about the future of our family and it has set in motion a series of things that need to happen over the next four months.... more on that later.... All of this craziness has kept me from blogging so prepare for an onslaught of posts!

Our Christmas is always so much fun and usually lasts all month. With the size of our family we usually end up having multiple turkey dinners and what feels like a million gift opening marathons. It's all super fun and exhausting at the same time. Our first Christmas this year was with my side of the family here in Edmonton. I whipped up a turkey dinner and managed to get the house in order while Dave worked a half day. He got home just in time to help me finish up before everyone arrived and the festivities began. We opened gifts, played with some of Sydney's new toys, ate dinner and enjoyed each others company. It was so nice to be together on a cold snowy day and celebrate the holidays. 

Mrs. E

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