
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Christmas #3 ~ The Eliuks

Our third Christmas was with David's family. 

We had organized a gift exchange and could not wait to trade goodies with everyone. I had David's mom Joan and I made her a beautiful quilted Christmas table runner and picked up a few other little things to add (including some gorgeous Anthropologie earrings). The kids opened gifts and loved all of the attention. Sydney mastered the art of ripping paper while tossing it over her head in dramatic fashion. Henry tried to eat all of the paper she tossed over her shoulder.

It was so much fun to spend some time together before we went our separate ways for Christmas morning. We did the gift exchange in the morning followed by brunch and then had full turkey dinner that night. It was such a great day and night and I can't wait to do it all again next year. 

Mrs. E

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