
Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I can't believe that our little lady is already 3. 

Everybody tells you to enjoy the first years and reminds you that they will go by in the blink of an eye. They are completely right. I honestly feel like the day she was born was yesterday. I have no idea how it goes by so quickly even though I made every effort to savor every blissful moment with her. Sydney is my baby and my best little buddy. I love every snuggle and my heart melts into a massive puddle every time she tells me she loves me "soooooo much!" She has taught me so much about who I am and has made my life infinitely better. 

Syd loves to color and is the biggest fan of the movie Frozen. He favorite thing to do is to go grocery shopping with her dad and she hosts regular random dance parties. She cracks me up every day and loves her brother more than we will ever know. 

Happy Birthday Sydney!

Mrs. E

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