
Sunday, April 27, 2014


I. Can't. Even.

This last year has flown by so much faster than I ever thought possible. We have traveled, played, loved.. . and watch our little man grow. Henry is a year old. We celebrated his birthday on Thursday and it was the ultimate bitter sweet moment for me. He has grown into such a little man with loads of personality and an independent streak you would not believe. He is stubborn and impatient and completely loving. He looks like his dad.... and I can already see how he will grow into an incredible man like his dad as well. He is my love. I am soft with him and have a hard time disciplining him. Henry is a Momma's boy and I am wrapped around his finger. 

I can't wait to see how this little guy is going to change our lives over the next few years. He has already added so much to our everyday and I know it will only get better from here. 

Mrs. E

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