
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Easter Bunny Came...

Well... I guess I should start catching up on a few blog posts now that I am back at work. 

We have been so busy preparing for my return to work that I have had no time to sit down at the computer. Two weeks ago we made the trip down to Lethbridge to visit my dad and celebrate Easter. It had been months since we had seen each other so I could not wait to hit the road.... Unfortunately we ran into some serious travel issues. Central Alberta was hit with a bit of a spring snow storm that caused pile ups on the highway... and we got stuck in one of them. We sat outside of Lacombe for over an hour and a half before we were able to turn around and head home. We had to start the entire trip over the next day but we did make it down. 

One of the highlights of our trip was the visit from the Easter bunny. Sydney counted down the days until we could search the house for eggs and even though Henry is too little to understand we got him in on the action too. When we told Syd she could start collecting eggs she was off running. I have never seen her move so fast! Henry was reaching out to collect eggs too and between the two of them they were all found in no time flat. We had a great time going through their baskets and eating candy. All of these holidays and celebrations are only getting better as the kids get older!

Mrs. E

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