
Friday, September 12, 2014

Things & Stuff

To say that we are going through a bit of a hard time as a family would be a massive understatement. 

There are several things going on at once, several of which I am not ready to talk about yet, but we are struggling. It has been one of the hardest months of my life and I am mentally and emotionally exhausted. The one thing I am willing to talk about is my Grandma. 

Her basement flooded over a month ago and between having to change her location and routine (she went to stay with my dad for a while) and her already precarious health, she is now in the hospital. She went from being completely there to confused and gone. The change has been drastic and shocking and doctors are desperately trying to figure out what it is that is causing her confusion. 

I took a trip down to visit her this past weekend and I was lucky to see her on two good days. It took her a moment to realize who I was, but after that it was like we were sitting in her living room gossiping again. It was great to see her on a clear day and have my time with her. It has all taken a huge toll on my Dad and his brothers who have been trying to make her as comfortable and happy as possible. Dad looks tired and I was happy to be there to support him. The fact that they are five hours away makes this infinitely more difficult but I am hoping she starts to turn around soon. 

The other things on our plate at the moment will be written about eventually.... but for now, we may be more difficult to get a hold of and will be spending a massive amount of time together as a family. 

Mrs. E

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