
Monday, October 27, 2014


I know that lately this blog has been a little sad.... but I promise, we have been having good days too.

One of those good days was a beautiful fall day in between tests and hospital visits. David decided that we needed some time away from everything that was going on. We packed up the kids and our nanny Jennilyn and we went to the river valley. Jennilyn has never seen how beautiful a Canadian fall can really be so we really wanted to show her how lucky we are to live in such an amazing place. 

After a picnic lunch David built massive piles of leaves for the kids to jump into. I remember doing the same thing with my siblinggs every year and it is now one of my favorite annual traditions with our kids. Syd loves it! Henry on the other hand.... not so much. Prepare for a little bit of photo overload...

Mrs. E

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