
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Our Phoenix Getaway

I don't know about you, but when I am going thorough some pretty emotional stuff all i want to do is get away. 

When the shit hit the fan with Oliver I just wanted to run. I wanted to pretend that none of it was happening and I wanted to be with my family. A month after he was born I got my wish. David and I hopped a plane to my parents house in Phoenix for four days of sun and relaxing. My parents generously took the kids for us while we were gone and we were able to enjoy time for the two of us. We needed it. We needed to take the time to reconnect with each other. 

We spent every afternoon drinking apple crisp beer and eating home made paninis by the pool. In the evenings we enjoyed each others company and did a bit of shopping. We even managed to get in an Arizona State football game and spend some time with my Aunt and her family (we had the best afternoon at a hot yoga class followed by sushi back at their place). We bought a mountain of clothes for the kids and Dave got in a couple of good runs while I picked up fabric at Joann's. 

It really was the perfect opportunity to recharge.... I can't wait to do it again. 

Mrs. E

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