
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Pumpkins for My Pumpkins

Well... since it's already December I figure I should post a few photos from Halloween... oops!

It has been a crazy month with me being back at work and I have been sitting on a few posts that I just haven't had any time to finish. This one is probably my favorite. Halloween is almost an obsession in our house. We LOVE dressing up and carving pumpkins. Our house is the one that is covered in decorations and is playing the creepy Halloween sound effects all night. There is something so exciting about getting the kids all dressed up and exploring the neighborhood together. 

The first thing we do is carve all of our pumpkins. The rule in our house is that there must be a pumpkin for each member of our family. This year we had six! Four for the Eliuks, one for Jennilyn and one for our sweet little Oliver. It was Jennilyn's first North American Halloween which meant that it was her firs time carving a pumpkin, wearing a costume and trick or treating! We all had a great time getting a bit messy and even Henry got in on the action. 

The next step was dressing up. Sydney had a big party at preschool on Thursday so she was able to wear her costume and take part in some fun Halloween activities. They even had a little Halloween parade to show off their costumes for all of the parents. It was an unbelievable dose of cuteness! Henry came with us to watch the parade and he wore his little dragon costume so he could be one of the big kids. 

On Halloween night I did Sydney's make up so that she looked like a sweet little witch. She was so patient and sat quietly while I finished up. David went as a Hockey player, Henry rocked his dragon costume and I made myself into a black cat. Jennilyn was also a witch but I forgot to grab a picture of her! 

This year was the first time that Sydney wanted to trick or treat with her friends. We coordinated with her friends from down the street and they were off! I tried desperately to get them to wait for Henry but they wouldn't. Thankfully we live in a quiet neighborhood and the parents were all able to divide and conquer. All in all it was such amazing night! It is always fun to spend so much time with our little family and there is nothing like finishing up the night with some Hot Chocolate and a candy or two.

Mrs. E

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