
Friday, January 9, 2015

Christmas Eve/Day 2014

I love that we are really starting to establish some great Christmas traditions.

Now that David and I have put the foot down and Christmas morning happens at our house we are able to teach our kids a few new fun things. The first job to be completed was to spread reindeer food in the backyard so that they knew where to land. It is basically a mix of oats and sparkles (thanks preschool). Two of three grandpas where there to help out with this one.

Next it was time to write Santa some letters to go with home made cookies, milk and carrots. Henry's note consisted of some cute scribbles and Sydney's note was a picture of a carrot and a cookie. Suuuuuper cute. When they were done it was time to taste test the cookies and get everything set up. These were two excited minis.

Once the kids were in bed it was time to play Santa and load the tree with gifts. We had had everyone over for Christmas Eve dinner so they brought all of their gifts as well. Wrapping is one of my favorite parts of Christmas prep.... I always coordinate everything and get a little bit out of control. David thinks I boarder on obsession. 

On Christmas morning everyone was at our house by 8am. Two o my brothers, David's sister Kendra and her Husband Rene, Rene's dad, my dad, and David's parents were all able to make it over for the festivities. David was coming off of a night shift so I prepped breakfast for everyone. Syd woke David up at around 8:30am and brought her down to see what Santa had brought. Henry likes to sleep in so he made his appearance a little bit later. It was so cute to see her reaction to everything. The first thing she saw was the candy that Santa had left for her. I had to tell her to turn around and look at the tree. Her reaction was perfect. 

Henry joined us all downstairs with a resounding "WAAAAAAOOOOOOOOW!" While I finished breakfast the kids opened their stockings and started their Christmas morning sugar high. 

We all sat down to a breakfast of waffles, cinnamon buns, bacon and fruit. This is easily my favorite part of Christmas. I love having a full table of loved ones. I always try to take a minute to just look around the table and take everything in. A full home always warms every part of my being. I think that comes from growing up in such a big crazy family. 

After breakfast we tackled the gifts. To say that we were all spoiled (especially the kids) is a massive understatement. I think next year I will put a cap on the number of gifts people can buy for them. But for now, you can enjoy a million pictures of the festivities.

We actually did our Turkey dinner on Boxing Day at Dave's parents place. We don't have many pictures... but we do have a couple of great shots of Sydney and her Great Granny (David's grandma) sharing a special moment. 

Mrs. E

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