
Monday, May 11, 2015

Henry Turns Two!

It's been two weeks but I am finally getting around to writing about Henry's Birthday party. 

Our little man turned 2 with a big Dinosaur themed bash! He has been roaring like a dinosaur for a while now and we felt like it was the perfect time to throw him a stereotypical boys party. The Friday night before the party I assembled the small army of four of us to cook and decorate like crazy. We make cookies and treats and lots of light lunch since the party ran through the lunch hour. 

We had about forty friends and family over to celebrate and it was so much fun! Henry basked in the chaos and craziness and blew his candles out like a pro. We left the gift opening until after his nap and he promptly put some of his new toys to good use. All in all it was an amazing day!

Mrs. E

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