
Friday, May 8, 2015

Thoughts on This Mother's Day

This Mother's Day is so bitter sweet for me. 

I am so happy to have two of the most amazing kids who make me laugh everyday. I know now more than ever how lucky we are to have healthy children and I will never take my time with them for granted. They are my entire world.

But there is another side to Mother's Day this year. In the last year I have lost two babies who I will never get the chance to cuddle or laugh with. It has been a very trying year and I feel as though everything we have gone through has made me a stronger person and a more present Mother. I miss those two babies and all of the possibilities that their lives held. I miss protecting them in my belly and dreaming of their futures. I miss them. 

This year I go into Mother's Day as a Mother of four. Two babies who we will always remember and love and two who will help us remember how lucky we are to be parents. This year is different. 

Mrs. E

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