
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Day at the Zoo

Every once in a while we get to play hooky from work and go on an amazing field trip with our kids. 

Our most recent excursion was right before Sydney wrapped up preschool. They did an end of year trip to the zoo and the families of preschoolers were also invited. It was a great opportunity for us to spend the morning together learning about animals. A lot of you are aware that I don't really support zoos and aquariums. The challenge with having young kids is that they will be invited to attend field trips at these places and it may also be the only opportunity they get to see these animals in person. So I bit the bullet and tried to look at it as a great educational experience for the kids. 

It ended up being a fantastic day. They were able to touch a hedgehog, a dove, and a snake. They also had the opportunity to see Lucy the elephant out for her walk. It made me so sad to see such a gorgeous animal struggling with her health all locked up... but the look on Henry's face when he saw her walking down the path was priceless. 

There was time for a snack and some time for us to explore on our own. The kids really had an incredible time. Here are a million pictures from our morning:

Mrs. E

Monday, June 29, 2015

A Month of Adjustments

As I sit here typing this I am fighting off a cold and could not be more exhausted.... but I'm happy. 

I have now been in my new role at work for over a month. I have been busy adjusting to my new work day and learning to work with a different group of people. The great thing about moving into this role is that I already knew everyone from my years at Reception for our company. It helped make the transition fairly seamless and kind of fun! 

The Engineers that I am working with are hilarious. We have a very young work environment and our group is predominately male. This has left with me with a group of young men who I lovingly call my man-children. They are laid back, sarcastic and hard working. I am finally settled into my role so hopefully I will have more time to post again! I have a backlog of almost 20 posts to share with you so be prepared!

Mrs. E