
Monday, June 29, 2015

A Month of Adjustments

As I sit here typing this I am fighting off a cold and could not be more exhausted.... but I'm happy. 

I have now been in my new role at work for over a month. I have been busy adjusting to my new work day and learning to work with a different group of people. The great thing about moving into this role is that I already knew everyone from my years at Reception for our company. It helped make the transition fairly seamless and kind of fun! 

The Engineers that I am working with are hilarious. We have a very young work environment and our group is predominately male. This has left with me with a group of young men who I lovingly call my man-children. They are laid back, sarcastic and hard working. I am finally settled into my role so hopefully I will have more time to post again! I have a backlog of almost 20 posts to share with you so be prepared!

Mrs. E

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