
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Haley's Birthday

There is something about a room full amazing people and incredible food that gives me the warm fuzzies. 

Haley's Birthday bash was just that. We all got together to celebrate one of our bestest and if was perfection. Catching up with friends I haven't seen in a long time and celebrating the USA same sex marriage ruling (which had happened that same day) with some rainbow shots. It was exactly what I needed on a Friday night. 

The icing on the proverbial Birthday cake was definitely the fully catered appies that Haley had organized with her friend Alexi who owns S'Witch food truck. He is clearly a culinary genius and wowed us with a great menu. I woke up the next morning with a small hangover and some pretty incredible memories. 

Mrs. E

Monday, July 20, 2015

Music Monday

Just a few amazing tunes that are defining my summer so far. I have been on a mission to find some brand new (to me), relatively unknown music. 

Mrs. E


These two are my entire life. 

I am beyond proud of my tiny humans. They are loving, funny and so smart. I honestly can't remember what my life was like before them. They are also best friends. They do everything together and miss each other if they are apart too long. Sydney has gone on two trips without us this summer and you could really tell how much Henry missed having her around to play with. It reminds me of all of the fun I had with my siblings growing up. We would pick on each other but loved each other like crazy. This is what having a sibling is all about.

Done with Photos....

Mrs. E

Spray Park Lunch Dates

I am so lucky!

I am lucky that I work super close to one of the best spray parks in the city. It means that every once in a while I get the most incredible break from my work day. If Dave is off, and the weather is nice, he will bring the kids down to the spray park at lunch. I get to spend an entire hour in the middle of the day with my little family. We run and play and enjoy the sun. It is the perfect way to break up my day. 

Mrs. E

Friday, July 17, 2015

Brass & Baubles ~ King Quilt

I have had almost no time to do any sewing lately. 

Yoga has taken over my life. I am leaving in 2 weeks and I am freaking out a bit! With classes almost every night and spending time with Dave and the kids I have had to take a bit of a break from sewing. I did however manage to finish my biggest custom quilt to date. 

One of my close friends and co-workers Kim asked me to create a King sized quilt for her and her husband. She wanted something modern and symmetrical that was sturdy enough to withstand everyday use. We went shopping for the fabric together and over the next month or so I pieced the entire thing. I am luck enough to have some amazing friends in the Edmonton Modern Quilt Guild so when I was ready to start quilting one of the ladies gave me access to her long arm quilting machine. Needless to say it made the entire project that much easier. 

It is backed in a light grey flannel and could not be heavier or cozier. I am going to have a hard time parting with this one! Don't forget that I am willing to take on any custom project. 

Mrs. E

Thursday, July 16, 2015

NGEA Picnic 2015

Summers are always packed with activities for our family. 

We are constantly on the go between picnics and pools, the park and the lake. One of the summer events we look forward to every year is the NGEA picnic. NGEA is our work association and they put on the most amazing family based picnic for employees every year. There are a million different activities, food and running races. The kids always eat way too much and run around like crazy. 

Last year I attended the picnic on my own because David was on shift. I knew from experience that it was all about getting there first thing and getting all of the popular activities done right away to avoid line ups. I am proud to say that we didn't miss one thing! Henry even got second place in his running race and won a prize. We had such an incredible time and look forward to doing it all again next year!

Mrs. E