
Thursday, July 16, 2015

NGEA Picnic 2015

Summers are always packed with activities for our family. 

We are constantly on the go between picnics and pools, the park and the lake. One of the summer events we look forward to every year is the NGEA picnic. NGEA is our work association and they put on the most amazing family based picnic for employees every year. There are a million different activities, food and running races. The kids always eat way too much and run around like crazy. 

Last year I attended the picnic on my own because David was on shift. I knew from experience that it was all about getting there first thing and getting all of the popular activities done right away to avoid line ups. I am proud to say that we didn't miss one thing! Henry even got second place in his running race and won a prize. We had such an incredible time and look forward to doing it all again next year!

Mrs. E

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